Many people around the world believe that getting all the things in the world or having everything they ever wanted will make them the happiest people in the world. There are two different kinds of happiness according to Daniel Gilbert a Synthetic happiness and a Natural Happiness. I’ve experience both of these kinds of happiness in life and I never knew that differences until now. Getting everything you want when want it is natural happiness and getting other things that you think will make you happy but is not really what you wanted at first is synthetic happiness.
I used to believe that having the newest sneakers out there will make me happy, but is just like Dan Gilbert says it only was nice for the moment or the first weeks i wore them. But it wasn't always like that before i had them I had to beg my mother to buy me them and sometimes she wouldn't buy them for me instead she would buy something similar which also made happy, even though I wasn't getting what I really wanted it I still got something and that’s what mattered to me. I didn't have freedom to choose what I wanted instead she chose for me and this makes senses with what Gilbert said freedom is the enemy of Synthetic happiness.
Natural happiness is what we get when we get what we want it. My example on this would be when i get hungry. Sometimes when I get real hungry and i start craving something and I get it it makes me happy. Is something natural you know, you’re hungry and you get what you really wanted will make not just you but your stomach happy. Natural happiness just happens and you don’t really see it.
As a result of my experience in life and according to Dan Gilbert’s theories about happiness, I agree with his ideas. Everything that he says makes sense to if you put all pieces together and experience life and see the differences between synthetic and natural happiness. Buy yourself a new t.v plasma and see for how long it keeps you happy, these will let you see that having the most advance or expensive things in life might make you happy for a moment but it won’t last for so much longer like everyone expects it.
"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence" - Aristotle